November Newsletter

From our Church Council President

Dear Immanuel Family,

Our theme this year is, From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving. The phrase makes me wonder how we got here. I don’t mean how we got to Ferguson or how we found our favorite pew in church, but how did all of us get to a place of practicing our Faith and regular Giving to support the church?

Many would say that their parents and extended family brought them to church. I certainly see that in our congregation, and I stand in awe as I watch faith traditions being passed down from parent to child. Some might say that a friend brought them to church. What a lovely way to practice friendship and provide an environment for a relationship to grow. We need to do more of this!

My path to church was a little different. I grew up in a church family and had many friends who attended regularly, so, yes, that was an influence. The reality is that I have a rebellious streak and rapidly drifted away from church life after I left home. I didn’t make time for church or worship in my young adult life. So, why did I join the church and why practice Faith and Giving? Answer: The Word.

As I drifted through early adulthood, I found a big hole in my life. I guess I became a “searcher,” a term often used for people looking for life’s answers. That’s when I discovered the Word. A friend gave me a pocket Bible and I started reading it. Jesus literally got up and walked into my life as I read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. What would it have been like to see Jesus? Or listen to him?

Reading the gospels gives us a glimpse. What would it have been like to commune with Jesus – to share meals as the apostles did? “Do this in memory of me.” Yes – we will share the Bread and Cup in your memory, Jesus, and we will continue your ministry.

As we contemplate the importance of our faith in this steward- ship season, I would like to ask all of you to consider what brought you to church. Was it family, friends or something else? And, what part of Jesus’ ministry speaks to you? What can you do to grow Jesus’ ministry and enable the wider church?

I hope that all of us can continue to work together to grow our Faith and Giving. Immanuel has a proud tradition that we stand on, but also has new challenges to keep the Word alive today. Please join me in supporting the church with your time and talents.

Charles Wolfersberger

Church Council President

Church Council

October 11, 2022

Church Council

Council Members in Attendance: Teddy Branom, Doug Daniels, Phil Frohne (online), Julie Guethler (online), Paula Hildebrand (online), Don Morice, Nancy Remmert, and Charlie Wolfersberger

 Also present: Pastor Deon McKenzie Absent: Darrell Thies (Pumpkinland) Guest: None

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm

Devotional: Charlie “S. Africa Freedom Charter”

Minutes: The minutes from the regular September council meeting were accepted by acclamation.

Financial Reports: Paula & Doug

  • Attendance: In-person attendance averaged 50.
  • Year to Date income relative to YTD budget was -41% The income for September was $19,775.
  • Total Fund Balance as of September was $2,017,139 a $157,321 decrease (reflects a market decline).
  • The September financial reports were reviewed and approved. [Don / Nancy 2nd].

Pastor Report: Pastor Deon

  • Reaching out to members as needed Back in school at Eden Seminary
  • Looking for help in identifying his expected duties as our pastor
  • Totenfest November 6th

Committee Reports

Property and Grounds: Don

  • Insurance renewal for 2023 was approved by Council via email. Would like to invite our agent to visit in person to discuss options to reduce cost. The empty parsonage is hard to insure. Paula will leave Council at the end of the year and has welcomed someone else to manage the vacancy and seek out a refugee family.
  • Report on repairs – tuck-pointing on roof of Sanctuary done.
  • Plaster repair in Organ loft to be done after Christmas season.
  • Received two quotes to replace a failed air-conditioner in Educational Building. Motion to approve lower quote from Ehrlich. (Doug / Nancy 2nd)

Board of C.E: Paula

  • Met but will meet again to discuss job descriptions.
  • Gathering information for 5th & 6th grade activities, will create schedule and invite kids / families
  • Tony Wright has agreed to teach confirmation starting in Fall 2023. Due to ages of those eligible it will be a one-year program.

Stewardship: Paula

  • Committee met Sunday – have developed this year’s schedule
  • Stewardship Sunday November 13th
  • UP to give a presentation on their activities on October 23rd Packets will be mailed November 6th

CIA (Christians in Action) – (formerly Parish Life/Evangelism):  Nancy

  • Meet November 15th to assemble blessing bags (for hand-outs to homeless or others in need)
  • Decorate the church on November 22nd for Christmas (6pm). Youth and young adults are invited to join in on the festivities. Meet at Brew House afterwards for a meal.

Mission Possible (formerly Mission Outreach): Julie

  • Gearing up for ECH totes
  • Blessing box needs donations (Ready to eat please. Canned goods taken to St. Stephens Food Pantry)

Worship Committee: Teddy

No report

Policy and Personnel: Darrell

Interviewing for administrative assistant. Four candidates identified.

Nominating Committee: Paula/Darrell

30 persons called, still seeking nominees

Budget and Finance: Doug

Will meet with Charlie and Deon on 10/12 to work on next year’s budget

Technology: Don

No report

Investments: Paula

No report

Unfinished Business (tabled until next month)

  • Organ chamber ceiling repair
  • Obtain quote for security company for Sundays
  • UP Signage update
  • Pastor Deon meeting with Ferguson City Manager
  • Suggestion for campus signage
  • Need for cart for youth group TV/monitor

New Business

  • Upcoming schedule items:
  • Interfaith Partnership Annual Celebration / Dinner meeting is Oct 27 and will recognize Nancy Remmert for her service and leadership.
  • Missouri Mid-South Conference Gathering is October 27-29 in Jefferson City. We can have two adult and two youth delegates.
  • Advent festival November 27th
  • Congregational budget meeting to be Sunday December 18 after worship
  • Christmas Eve services at 1:30pm and 8pm. Sunday service on Christmas Day.
  • Discuss priority for open staff positions (Director of CE, Music
  • Minister, Choir Director, Parish Nurse)
  • All are important and we should work on them simultaneously
  • Minister of Music may be best named Music Director who will develop a music program for Immanuel. It may involve use of the organ or other instruments. (Remove the requirement that this person play a pipe organ as this is exceeding hard to find.) This person will also direct the choir and have the ability for teach newcomers how to sing.
  • Council would like to form a Search committee for a Music Director. Motion made and accepted. (Don / Teddy 2nd)
  • Open discussion about change at Immanuel
  • How do we change the “look” of Immanuel and make
  • it attractive to the community?
  • How do we build relationships with the community? How do we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Executive session

Adjournment and Lord’s Prayer at 10:05 pm, [Everyone/ Everyone 2ndPhil Frohne

Board of Christian Education

Members in Attendance: George Hildebrand, Jennifer Jansen, Laura Payer (by phone), Kathi Remmert, John Viehmann (by phone), Pastor Deon McKenzie


Date: 10-4-2022

Call to Order: 7:04

Devotion: (George) Based on Hebrews 13:2 Entertain strangers – look for ways to be hospitable.


Secretary’s Report (Kathi) – Minutes from 9-6-2022 accepted.

First — Jennifer Second — George      All Approved

Treasurer’s Report (George) – Treasurer’s Report for Sept. 2022 accepted.

First — Jennifer     Second — Kathi     All Approved Outstanding costs – Rally Day expenses and Scholarship Ice Cream social

Staff/Council Report (Pastor) – Actively interviewing for Admin Assistant. Updated Youtube and Sermon by Phone. Next focus is on Totenfest and Stewardship.


Christian Education

  • Sunday School (Laura) – Laura made a motion to buy 6 new bi- bles to have on hand for our upcoming 4th graders. First – John Second – George All Approved
  • Interested in using other types of media for our Sunday School
  • lessons. Need to recruit more teachers for the teacher rotation.
  • Looking into monthly mission activities for all ages.
  • Confirmation (Pastor) – We have 2 sixth graders and one seventh grader. Looking into schedule for future class.

Members in Attendance: George Hildebrand, Jennifer Jansen, Laura Payer (by phone), Kathi Remmert, John Viehmann (by phone), Pastor Deon McKenzie

Date: 10-4-2022

Call to Order: 7:04

Devotion: (George) Based on Hebrews 13:2 Entertain strangers – look for ways to be hospitable.


Secretary’s Report (Kathi) – Minutes from 9-6-2022 accepted.

First — Jennifer Second — George      All Approved

Treasurer’s Report (George) – Treasurer’s Report for Sept. 2022 accepted.

First — Jennifer     Second — Kathi     All Approved Outstanding costs – Rally Day expenses and Scholarship Ice Cream social

Staff/Council Report (Pastor) – Actively interviewing for Admin Assistant. Updated Youtube and Sermon by Phone. Next focus is on Totenfest and Stewardship.

Christian Education

  • Sunday School (Laura) – Laura made a motion to buy 6 new bi- bles to have on hand for our upcoming 4th graders. First – John Second – George All Approved
  • Interested in using other types of media for our Sunday School
  • lessons. Need to recruit more teachers for the teacher rotation.
  • Looking into monthly mission activities for all ages.
  • Confirmation (Pastor) – We have 2 sixth graders and one seventh grader. Looking into schedule for future class.

Sundays After Church


The Adult Faith Exploration group has begun again. Meetings will be about an hour on the first and third Sundays in the Reception Room immediately following worship. The group is informal and discussion will be encouraged. If you want to listen rather than speak…you are welcome. If you want to speak…remember others may want to speak also! (We only have an hour!) Sorry we ran out of coffee at our last meeting… every effort will be made to avoid that in the future. There were plenty of donuts! (Having two is acceptable!)

As you know, Donuts with Deon is held at the same time on the Second and Fourth Sundays! (The same goes for the coffee and donuts…we plan to have plenty…!)


You are invited to Donuts with Pastor Deon every second and forth Sunday of the month for an informal chat. If you have com- ments, questions, or would like clarity following the sermon, come downstairs to grab a donut, coffee, and a seat to chat with Pastor Deon.


North County Interfaith Dialogue group meets every month on the third Sunday in Room 202 of the Education Building from 2 to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. The purpose of the group is to learn about Faith Groups of which we have little or no knowledge. Our speakers share the tenets of their religious practices, the history and origin of their faith and their worship practices.

  • At our November 20, 2022 meeting, our guest will be Dr. Sofia Grewal, MD, a member of the Sikh faith.
  • On December 18, 2022, our guest will be Dr. David Oughton, retired professor of World Religions at St. Louis University who will introduce us to Jainism and

These meetings are informal. Our speakers are given time to speak and graciously are willing to answer questions.

I have been moderating this group since 2008 and been involved in Interfaith activities for over 40 years. If you have questions or concerns regarding the Interfaith Experience, please feel free to call or email me. Cell: (314) 640- 2512 or email:

Nancy Remmert

Wurstmarkt is Nov 5 !

November 5th is the first Saturday in November, also known to many as Wurstmarkt Day!!! It takes all of Immanuel to make the Wurstmarkt a success! We will be serving from 11:00am – 6:30pm! Tickets are $15 for Adults, $10 Children under age 12, and Free for ages 5 and younger. Dine In* or Carry Out options are available.

*Dine In will be served to you cafeteria style, with the option for guests

to return through the line.

The key is spreading the word! Please invite all of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and extended family to come and enjoy our meal!

Other ways you can help:

  • Donate homemade pies or desserts (preferably non-refrigerated ones) …sign up using the form in this newsletter (in the back), or fill out a form on Sunday morning.
  • Work a shift or two… Please contact the appropriate person listed below, if you are available to volunteer your time.
    • Sausage Cookers: Tim Payer 314-450-0422
    • Dining Room Workers:

Bill Wootten III 314-608- 9668 or

Karen Fox 636-949-5223 or 636-734-1958

  • Kitchen Help: Ken Vortmeier 314-401-1443
  • Carry-Out: Karen Caguin 636-578-4299
  • Dish Washers: Karl Klasing 314-560-5179
  • Set Up (Thurs. 3 @ 6:30pm): Sarah Klasing 314-778-1108
  • Clean up (Nov. 5, 6:30pm-9:00pm): Sarah Klasing 314-778-1108

Lastly, Wurstmarkt is a great opportunity for youth and college age students to earn service hours. Share this info with young people you know. Have them get in touch with Karl Klasing 314- 560-5179 by October 28 (last minute help is always welcomed).

Totenfest – Nov 6

On Sunday, November 6, we will remember those who have died and received the Rite of Christian Burial this past year. “Totenfest” is a German word meaning “festival of the dead”. With Immanuel tracing its roots to the German Evangelical Church, we have always observed Totenfest.

  • Jeanette Monning
  • Larry Priem
  • Gertrude Collins
  • Bob Bloomfield
  • Helen Kruenegel
  • James Strughold
  • Brad Beck
  • Bud Heenan
  • Jim Smith
  • Jean Vortmeier
  • Maureen Hatch
  • Dorothy Bangert
  • Brad Snead
  • Mamie White
  • Al Joellenbeck
  • Benda Bahr
  • Don Martin
  • William Sanford
  • Becky Sittingdown
  • Mitzi Tallian
  • Norma Thies
  • Kevin Viehmann

Stewardship Campaign

Our stewardship theme is From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving. Please pickup your stewardship packet on Sunday, October 30 or on November 6. Stewardship Sunday is November 13 when we will return our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Come Decorate the Church For Christmas!

It’s time to decorate the sanctuary for our Advent and Christmas seasons! We will gather on Tuesday evening, November 22, at 6:00 p.m. to hang wreaths and garland, set up the Christmas tree and arrange the Nativity. There will be plenty of work inside and out! We will be going to the Ferguson Brewhouse following the decorating. Questions? Contact Paula & George Hilde- brand at (636) 928-1168.


Sunday, Nov. 27, after Worship in Fellowship Hall. A meal will be served and crafts for all ages! For additional information or to volunteer please contact Karin Oelzen or the Church Office. RSVP form in the back of this newsletter.

Bon Appetit Group 

Please come join the Bon Appetit Group on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00pm at Serra’s Pizzeria located at 12218 McKelvey Rd. RSVP to Bill Wooten III at 314- 608-9668 by Nov. 11.





ECH Christmas Food Totes

Immanuel Family,

Christmas at Immanuel will be here soon! A time when we can join together and give others a Christmas dinner. Below, I have outlined the programs that Mission Possible will have at Imman- uel this year. Because of Covid-19, Immanuel cannot host Room- at-the-Inn, or contribute food to Lydia’s House; so, donations can be given to help defray the cost.

An ECH Christmas tote can be completed by yourself, a group of a few or many. Contributing a single item or two on the list can make all the difference in contributing to the cause. We have been able to make a tote box or close to, with single donations. Every donation large or small is appreciated by Immanuel and the families of ECH. Totes are available in the church narthex and Ed Bldg. Completed totes will be collected in Room 202 of the Ed Bldg and will need to be at church by Sunday, Dec. 11, for ECH to pick-up, so the families will have them for Christmas.

For your Christmas tote, a ham will be provided by Mission Possible. Both the ham and $10 food gift certificate are optional. A food list should be turned in with the tote and a copy is included in this newsletter. The hams, totes, and the food list will soon be available at church.

There will still be a mitten tree this year, with collections in the narthex. A ‘blessing box’ will also be available for ECH loose items.

The Christmas card board will be different this year. Cards will be placed on a “poster board” in the narthex for all to see. Any cards and/or donations can be mailed to the church office at 221 Church St. Ferguson. MO 63135. Checks can be made out to Im- manuel UCC with “Xmas card board” noted in the memo. Contributions will go to charities in the Ferguson area.

Mission Possible Beverly Dow

(314) 972-9240


Immanuel Fellowship will meet on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 11 a.m. Our program will be led by Pastor Deon for our Fall Inspirational Meeting (Retreat). Lunch will be Soup

and Subway Sandwiches. (A free-will offering will be received to defray the cost of food.)


Prayer and Share meets on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month in the library at 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Our group is small but we would welcome anyone who would like to join us. In addition, we usually have lunch together at a near-by restaurant following the meeting.

Coffee Hour

Coffee hour will be BEFORE AND AFTER church. Donuts, coffee and orange juice will be available from 9 am until start of church service at 9:30 AND then start back up at 10:30 until 11:30. If you want to help – pick up donuts, set up or clean up, please contact Cathy Miller (618.560.9211) or Charlie Miller (618.560.9222), text or phone calls, or if you need to email, contact us at

 Thank you, Cathy and Charlie Miller,

Worship Committee Co-Chairs



CIA will be meeting on November 15 (we meet every other month) and will assemble Blessing Bags then. If you would like to help

us with this project, we would be happy for you to donate any of the following items which we include in the bags. There is a box in the Narthex for your donations. We will be collecting items until November 13. Thank you for any help!



Gallon Size Ziploc Bags, Bottled water (small size), toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, deodorant, combs, beef jerky sticks, granola bars, energy bars, cheese and cracker packs, crackers and pea- nut packs, trail mix, raisins, peanuts, gum or hard Candy. In winter we have included gloves. Anything is good that does not need refrigeration, or preparation, etc.


Be a blessing! Donate an item or two to Immanuel’s Blessing Box – together we can make a difference!

Items can include canned meats and pasta with pop tops, hygiene products (deodorant, shampoo, soap, tampons, pads), dental products (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss), fruits (canned, fruit cups, fruit snacks), granola bars, protein bars, individual snacks (cookies, crackers, cheese peanut butter crackers, cheese and crackers), small bottled waters. Easy-to-open, (including pop tops) and individually-wrapped are what is preferred! Place donated items in a box in the front entry of church. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Guethler at 314.961.3230 or


All youth are needed to help at Wurstmarkt!

As in past years, we are asking our youth (and anyone else) to help set up chairs and get the tables ready. Setup is Thursday, Nov. 3 at 6:30pm. Please contact Sarah Klasing at 314-778-1108 if you can help.

Youth can also volunteer on Wurstmarkt day, Nov. 5. Please see the Wurstmarkt article in this newsletter for the specific person to contact. Volunteering for Wurstmarkt is a great way to earn service hours if needed. We hope you can make it to the meal, remind your family, invite your friends! Tickets are $15 for this church wide fundraiser.

Thank you Immanuel!!!

Immanuel’s 2022 Festival of Sharing giving totaled $976.00! Items delivered to the October 1, 2022 Sharefest included 5 pairs of eyeglasses, 15 Missouri Paper Products Packs, 16 Missouri Reading and Writing Packs, 19 Student Dental Packs, and 12 Personal Hygiene Packs. While the eyeglasses can go anywhere in the world, the other packs will stay in our local area in Missouri. Many thanks for your prayers and contributions to the Festival of Sharing.

Thanks again!

Mission Possible


Thank you so very much to all those who helped provide and package all the cookies & candy for our Graduate/College students on Saturday, October 15th.  Your support is letting these students know just how important they are and that we, their church family, are thinking and praying for them whether their studies are near or far. Thank you again so very much for your continued spirit filled support of this ministry.

YOUR COOKIE coordinators Krescene and Brenda

Thank you!

Dear Immanuel,

Here at ROOM we provide—as our tagline states so succinctly- “Shelter with a purpose. Families with a Future.” And we are able to do this because of you. YOU help build futures for the families who come to our door.

Mental health counseling is now available for all clients who come to ROOM. After school tutoring is available for all students who request it. And we are continuing to work to implement our plan on becoming a 24/7 shelter while still partnering closely with our committed and devoted interfaith congregations.

Please accept a warm and sincere thank you for your gif of $200. Words can’t adequately express the positive impact you’ve made in the lives of those we serve.

David Weber, Executive Director


Scholarship Committee,

Thank you so much for all the help you are giving me through school. I appreciate all you do, as it allows me to further my education. You have helped me and my family for many years and I am so grateful!

Thank you once more!

Anna Klasing


Congregation of Immanuel,

Thank you all so much for the awards of the Glenn Fox Me- morial Scholarship, the Brauch Scholarship and the Mary Thompson Scholarship. These funds are a huge help when it comes to funding my education, It also serves as a reminder that the people at Immanuel will always be there to support and love me.

Sincerely, Emma Klasing


IUCC Scholarship Committee,

Thank you so much for your assistance in helping me to fur- ther my education. Having some of the finances taken off our family’s plate is more help than you can know. I really appreciate the continuation of these scholarships.

Olivia Klasing


Dear Immanuel Community,

I am very grateful to have received the Glenn Fox and Brauch Memorial Scholarships. This award will help me continue my pursuit of a mechanical engineering degree at the University of Kansas, but also allow me to continue my development as a well-rounded individual. College is an opportunity to under- stand the world and experience diverse groups of people and attitudes on life. After two years of studying mechanical engi- neering at The University of Kansas, I have crossed paths with people and ideas that have encouraged me to grow my person- al and career skills. As an engineer, I have a unique opportunity to create technology that can improve life experiences and in- spire humanity. I am especially interested in the robotics and aerospace fields of engineering, and I hope to create a career in those areas. I am proud that the community at Immanuel UCC is willing to invest in my future, and I am eager to show every- one what I can accomplish.

Thank you, Luke Jansen

If you can’t join us for in-person worship, please visit Immanuel’s Facebook page for live on-line streaming of our church services.

Immanuel also offers the option to listen to the latest church service by calling 314.255.1873

Church Office

We are open Monday thru Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. Please leave a message if we don’t answer and we will return you call.

The deadline for the November newsletter is Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Thank you!

November Birthdays!


Brenda Bogdajewicz 11/1
Breanne Higgins 11/1
Ann Klasing 11/2
Judy Thompson 11/3
Kit Franks 11/5
Phyllis Martinez 11/5
Hannah Beck 11/9
Denora Lum 11/9
Cecilia Lipski 11/13
Julie Miller 11/13
Joanne Schuster 11/14
Cyndi James 11/19
Charles Wolfersberger 11/20
Keith Wogtech 11/22
Kathleen Murphy 11/23
Anita Collins 11/29
John Garrett 11/29
Janet Henke 11/29

Flowers for November

Nov 6 – Linda Stoecklin

Nov 13—Ed & Jan Viehmann Nov 20 –

Nov 27 – Joan Newman, Carolyn Lipski

If you would like to order flowers or read scripture, please call the church office

Lay Readers for November

Nov 6 –

Nov 13—Karen Fox

Nov 20—Barb Krewson

Nov 27—Paula Hildebrand

Memorials and Honorariums

In Loving Memory – Brad Snead

To: Immanuel General Fund –Given By: Gary & Janet Batteiger, Eric & Julie Miller & Family

In Loving Memory – Al Joellenbeck To: Immanuel General Fund

Given By: Sam & Nancy Valenti, Joan Huntebrinker, Bill & Darlene Kinderman

In Loving Memory – Mary Thompson To: Mary Thompson Scholarship Fund-Given By: Chris Struble

We remember: Kevin Viehmann


Document Downloads

Advent Festival Sign Up

ECH Tote List

Memorial Gift Form