November 5th is the first Saturday in November, also known to many as Wurstmarkt Day!!! It takes all of Immanuel to make the Wurstmarkt a success! Save the date and plan to come and eat. We will be serving from 11:00 AM – 6:30 PM. Tickets are $15 for Adults, $10 for Children under 12, a* nd Free for ages 5 and under. Dine In* and Carry Out is available.
*Dine In will be served to you cafeteria style, with the option for guests to return through the line.
The key is spreading the word! Please invite all of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and extended family to come and enjoy our meal.
Other ways you can help:
- Donate homemade pies or desserts (preferably non-refrigerated ones)
- Work a shift or two. Please contact the appropriate person listed below.
- Sausage Cookers – Tim Payer: 314.450.0422
- Dining Room Workers – Bill Wootten III @ 314.608.9668 or Karen Fox @ 636.949.5223 or 636.734.1958.
- Kitchen Help – Ken Vortmeier @ 314.401.1443
- Carry Out – Karen Caguin @ 636.578.4299
- Dish Washers – Karl Klasing @ 314.560.5179
- Set Up (Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 6:30 PM) and Clean Up: Sarah Klasing @ 314.778.1108
Lastly, Wurstmarkt is a great opportunity for youth and college age students to earn service hours. Share this info with young people you know. Have them get in touch with Karl Klasing @ 314.560.5179 by October 28th (last minute help is always welcomed!)