Christmas Cantata
Join us this Sunday, December 18th, at 9:30 AM for our annual Christmas cantata. This year's program is titled "Morning Star."
We hope to see you in person at Immanuel or, if you can't join us then, be sure to join us via our Facebook Live broadcast.
You don't want to miss this very special musical celebration by the Immanuel Choir!
Please make sure to stay after worship this Sunday for the budget meeting. We need a quorum of 50 people to approve the budget for 2023.
There is an Interfaith Dialogue meeting this Sunday, Dec. 18 from 2-4pm. Dr. David Oughton will be speaking about Jainism and Zoroastrianism, two ancient religions.
The Christmas Card Board, located in the Reception Room, is a easy way to send your Christmas cards to your Immanuel friends. Just put one of your Christmas cards on the board for all to see.
Please pray for our college students as they return home for the holidays.