Stewardship Sunday
Stewardship Sunday is this Sunday, Nov. 13. Please return your Enlisting in Ministry forms and pledge cards this Sunday if possible. Thank you.
The Advent Festival is Sunday, Nov. 27, after worship in Fellowship Hall. Crafts and a meal will be served. Please RSVP by Nov. 20 by calling the Church Office or returning a sign-up form.
Once again poinsettias will be available for purchase and to help decorate our sanctuary. The deadline to order is Sunday, Dec. 4. The cost is $10 per plant. Plants are available red or white colors. Order forms will be available on Sunday or call the Church Office.
Unleashing Potential
Unleashing Potential is hosting another Saturday Day of Play – Cardboard Game Jam session at Immanuel on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 9:00am-Noon, in Fellowship Hall. All kids are welcome.
November Newsletter
Our November newsletter has gone missing within the US postal system. We are working to try to find it. Thank you for your patience.